Sunday, 22 April 2012


In the following I will be explaining the idea and concept of my groups opening sequence. The opening sequence is called 'I can see you', it is a thriller based on an ex-girlfriend that has hatred toward her previous boyfriends new relationship. Within the opening sequence we as an audience will see the ex-girlfriend stalking the couple online and by looking at images of the new couple. 

The opening sequence is in a sepia effect to illustrate that the opening sequence is mysterious. Throughout the opening sequence as the audience we only see the stalker and the back of their head, we done this to create suspense and to allow the audience to question who they are, what gender they are etc, the shots we used to represent this were over the should, mid shot, close-up.

As the opening sequence begins the production logo is shown along with the music in the background; we used this type of music to allow the audience to already grasp a feeling of what genre the film is, as the sequence goes on we see the camera zooming on into the 'stalker' watching a video clip of the couple sharing their love for one another, we chose for the stalker to watch this because it is one of three props that the stalker will be analysing to show how corrupted and perverted she is.

The different camera angles used such as close ups display how intrigued she is by the video, she draws the laptop closer, and plays with her hair because she is distressed. A mid-shot is then used to show that she raises her arm and then bangs the laptop in anger, after she then has pictures of the couple in her hands she then throws them about on the floor whilst closely studying them this is to illustrate how demented she is. 

She then displays pictures on her wall of the couple and then sits comfortably whilst staring and the pictures the camera zooms in on the pictures so that the audience can see the couple and what it is that the stalker is looking at. 
The scene then suddenly changes to a black screen and the credits are then introduced, displaying the directors, actors, producers, the company presenting it and then lastly the title of the opening sequence. 

Throughout the sequence we have not used any dialogue, this is because we thought that the type of sequence that we have would not have a purpose for dialogue, there is no need for it as the music used as well as the camera angles and acting flows perfectly without the need for dialogue as it also builds suspense.

We have used various camera angles and camera effects in the opening scene one of the main effects that we used were jump cuts; this was to make the scene interesting- switching from one part of the sequence to another.

Influences such as a video clip of a young couple and the 'Rihanna - We found love' music video ( that I have previously discussed in a previous blog entry) helped extremely as the idea of having a cute couple came from the video clip; we thought to try and illustrate their love for one another in our actors. The idea of having jump cut's was from Rihanna's film as we saw that the different shots in her music video would be more interesting with jump cuts rather than without.

The opening sequence conforms to the conventions of a thriller as thriller films are generally mysterious, subtle and always tend on having a suspicious story line to it which allows the audience to question the film which draws the audience in to continue watching the film. My groups opening sequence is subtle is terms of the story line, from the opening sequence the story is not given away, there is clues that appeal to the audience but the plot is not revealed, because the film could also be considered as a sub genre between thriller-romance the film is mysterious the audience can obviously see that a couple is involved and there is a stalker which therefore gives romantic elements to it. Because the opening sequence allows the audience to grasp an idea of the storyline they can understand that the stalker is highly disturbed and has a history with either the boyfriend or girlfriend. 

Our choice of location were decided by all of us we decided to have it set in one of our group members bedroom, to create a sense of realism to the opening scene, as ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends tend to stalk their ex-partners new relationship in their bedroom, on Facebook, but not to such extremes as the stalker in our opening sequence. Because the stalker is only seen stalking in their bedroom this gives the audience the understanding that they are lonely which is expected of a stalker. 

In conclusion the opening sequence allows the audience to understand that the stalker is highly obsessed with the couple, to understand that the stalker is insecure and has extreme anxiety in herself, the audience can see elements of psychotic behaviour. Because of the angles, lighting and atmosphere being all mysterious but yet casual draws the audience in.

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